Hack Your Dreams: How to Embrace Creativity, Connect to Flow and Make Positive Impact

Effective leaders recognize that change requires extra effort, especially for it to be sustainable. Therefore, they invest in systems and platforms to facilitate real impact.  

When having a conversation with most successful leaders, one common intention is usually shared, and it is the desire to make a positive impact. For some, this includes making a good impression on or constructively influencing their family, friends, community, associates, businesses, or the world. I’ve found that most leaders make a commitment to realizing their dreams as part of a non-negotiable growth plan. They have discovered a way to hack their dreams and you can do the same, to experience the positive impact of your desire.

To hack your dreams, you must become resolute in the value placed on creativity and open to designing and re-designing opportunities for them to flourish.  It means fueling sustainability by making a conscious choice to repeatedly connect to flow. And at every touchpoint, it is important to gauge progress to ensure there is a positive impact. In this instance, gauging your progress allows you to remain fluid in your thinking. Therefore, the clear effect is not limited to only measuring tangible assets, but includes happiness and emotional fulfillment in your long-term strategy.  


I have noticed that successful leaders value a higher commitment to continuous learning and innovation than others.  They understand the importance of shaping your mindset, behavior, and short-and long-term decisions by stepping into your own personal power.  Some may say, this sounds great, but how? Give your imagination permission to roam freely, unscripted, and uninhibited, routinely, preferably first thing in the morning or just before going to sleep.  As you are in this state, allow what appears to be a block to serve as a redirection possibility and opportunity for your creativity to be released.


We live in a time when frictionless connectivity is cherished in not only the workplace and business, but also in interpersonal relationships. This goes beyond finding the best platforms and systems for efficiency. It involves creating an atmosphere where your team is in the zone, immersed in their work, and connected in a flow state. They are energized and easily harness their focus.

Flow can be used to optimize your life for greater flexibility and adaptability to influence conditions for things that are out of your control – life circumstances.

Building personal resilience and agility to change moves you closer to hacking your dreams. Identifying what is important so you can be fully present leads you to a place of balance and can intensify your flow state.

Being intentional about creating your flow state can prove useful as a tool for balance. True balance helps you to effectuate success with compassion. It encourages the use of platforms to streamline performance, while also valuing and acknowledging team effort and the contributions of others, which ensures progress is only meaningful if technology and humanity coexist.  Emotional connections are key. However, if you only change this realm, the outcome you are seeking may remain elusive because systems and processes are also critical. 

Connecting to flow will create paths to break destructive cycles and help abandon nonproduction behaviors. Seamlessly switching between what you desire and what you experience will require executions that are habitual. As James Clear, author of How To Build Awesome Habits, shared “you get what you repeat”. 


There must be a clear alignment between aspirations, motivations, and milestones if the desired outcome is to positively impact all stakeholders.

Rigorous processes attached to uninterrupted care for and service to others are required for a consistent constructive experience.  Doing whatever it takes that is ethically, morally, and legally sound.

Planting where you are is another sound practice. If you constantly search for better soil, it’s probably a sign that you are looking outward rather than inward. If you can’t appreciate the value of the process and only focus on the outcome, you’re setting yourself up for repeated disappointment. The positive impact you’ll have on others starts with improving your present inner garden of negative self-talk.  It’s amazing how weeding out negative tendencies and defeating self-talk can generate more opportunities for you to create an atmosphere where you and others can thrive.

Design better environments for yourself and show others how to do the same, making a lasting impression and positive impact by improving their opportunity for success.  You are coaching and helping friends and clients to cast a different vision for themselves that’s supported by positive behavioral changes that can be measured.  They are obvious, as each subtle but consistent change is proof of advancement.  Repetitive action will beat and outpace theory every time.

Lastly, focus on systems immediately after you have determined your goal.  The emotions that accompany achieving goals can be emotionally short-lived. Developing systems on the way to your goals provides you with lifelong mental and physical changes that are needed to experience ongoing growth and recurring success.

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