As human beings, we all have the desire to be better, grow, and develop in all aspects of our lives. Therefore, we are constantly searching for actionable, achievable, ways to do so. We want to succeed and accomplish our goals, but sometimes we can get so caught up in improving ourselves that we forget to acknowledge our brilliance. It’s essential to recognize and appreciate our unique talents and strengths to help us stay motivated and confident on our journey toward success and fulfillment.
If you’re feeling stuck or struggling to make progress toward your goals, it may be time to reset your journey and rediscover your brilliance. I suggest you stop and take stock of a more positive aspect of life that sometimes receives little to no attention. It is time to focus on the importance and practicalities of owning your brilliance by exploring four proven tips to reset your path to realize your full value.
Tip #1: Reflect on your previous achievements.
Consider your past accomplishments and how they can impact your present and future goals. One of the most effective ways to own your brilliance is to allot serious time to reflect on your past successes. Think back to times when you’ve achieved something that made you proud or times you have been bursting with excitement to share a personal or professional accomplishment. Remember how it felt to succeed and how it boosted your confidence and self-esteem. Allow yourself to recount one or two of these moments, enjoy the feelings, and experience all the good emotions it brings.
Reflecting on your past successes can also help you reconnect with your strengths and talents, reminding you of what you can achieve. It can spark a sense of gratitude and appreciation for what you’ve already accomplished, which can help to combat feelings of self-doubt and imposter syndrome.
During these times of reflection, take time to journal or make a list of some of your most rewarding moments and triumphs. Writing your achievements is a key element because it will allow you to savor the emotions of those experiences and how they made you feel; focus on what skills or strengths you used to make them happen. Use this list as a reminder of what you can accomplish and how far you’ve already come.
Tip #2: Celebrate your distinctive strengths and talents.
After your time of reflection, move to acknowledge, celebrate, and leverage your personal areas of expertise and flair. We all have unique strengths and talents that make us who we are. Embracing and owning these strengths is key to unlocking your full potential and reaching your goals and fulfillment in your life. However, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others and feeling like you’re not good enough, therefore be aware of this temptation so you can avoid it.
To discover your unique strengths and talents, start by identifying what they are. What comes naturally to you? What do people consistently praise you for? What do you enjoy doing that makes you lose track of time? These are all clues to your unique gifts, talents, and strengths. Once you’ve identified your strengths, make a conscious effort to celebrate and use them. Don’t be afraid to showcase your talents and skills, whether it’s in the workplace, in your personal life, or on social media platforms. If you are usually reserved and not the person out front, challenge yourself to welcome opportunities to display your gifts and abilities. If you’ve been reluctant or passive, commit to starting to recognize and utilize your abilities and talents as part of your new mindset. By embracing your unique strengths and gifts, you’ll not only feel more confident and fulfilled, but you will also inspire others to do the same.
Tip #3: Establish attainable objectives while making self-nurturing a priority.
Create practical targets, while including built-in measures permitting you to prioritize your personal well-being. Setting goals is important for achieving success and growth, but what’s equally important is setting realistic goals accompanied by intentional “me time” treatments for self-care along the way. If you’re constantly pushing yourself to the brink of burnout or setting unrealistic expectations, you’re likely to feel overwhelmed and discouraged.
To set realistic goals, start by breaking down your larger goals into smaller, achievable steps. This will make your goals more manageable and help you stay motivated throughout the process. Prioritizing self-care includes taking breaks when needed, getting enough sleep, and practicing mindfulness or meditation.
Remember that success is not just about achieving goals, but also about taking care of yourself so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. By setting achievable goals and placing a premium on caring for yourself, you’ll be better equipped to attain your goals while also feeling fully energized.
Tip #4: Build a community of positive and supportive individuals.
The people we surround ourselves with can influence our mindset and perspective on life. Most likely, you’ve heard someone say, “You are who you hang out with.” I’m reminded of a quote from Tony Robbins, “The quality of a person’s life is most often a direct reflection of the expectations of their peer group.” Surrounding yourself with positivity and support can help you stay motivated and optimistic about your journey as you work to realize your goals. If you are tempted to discount this idea as just a nice way to think, and therefore, only mentally assent, I caution you not to do so. Rather, give it serious thought and implement it as your new way of operating. Your mindset is greatly affected by your environment, which includes your physical space and those who occupy that space with you. You must be determined and deliberate regarding cultivating positive and supportive environments to nurture a healthy mindset.
Seek relationships with people who uplift and encourage you. This could be a mentor or an accountability partner. Such a person is prepared to give you honest, constructive feedback. They provide helpful reinforcement when you drift off course or entertain the negative self-talk of your inner villain. We all need to have someone who can and will be in our corner when we question our self-worth, otherwise, our brilliance may appear to be elusive. You need to be intentional about creating spaces of positivity in your daily life.
“Time waits on no one” and “There is no time like the present” are a couple of adages that come to mind when I think of discovering one’s brilliance. Therefore, I believe it’s a perfect time to apply these four tips if you are seeking to own your brilliance. To do so, engage in introspection about the successes you have had in the past; embrace your unique strengths and talents; strive for workable goals while taking care of yourself first; and encircle yourself with uplifting energy and encouraging people.