More and more, I am hearing from friends and colleagues that they are experiencing overwhelm and feeling discouraged because of current world events.  Of course, these emotions are common when facing uncertainty, and this is a climate where many feel insecure and indecisive.  To say that the world has been in an unstable state for the past two years is an understatement considering the residual effects of a worldwide pandemic, inflation, and tensions that led to war in eastern Europe.

People in business are also among this group.  Whether you’re an entrepreneur with a start-up, have been in business for some time, or you are a consultant or freelancer, you may be feeling disheartened or somewhat exhausted when listening to the endless reports of how tough times are on the horizon. Also, being an employee versus an owner does not bring comfort because what affects the company, corporation, customers, or clients, will eventually affect you.  What should you do, what can you do, or better yet, is there anything you can do to make a difference? How can you conquer a tendency to be overwhelmed and instead develop a way to stay confident and encouraged so you can quickly re-engage with an upbeat attitude?  

Let’s examine six common reasons for feeling overwhelmed and how to be encouraged even when you are experiencing a slump in your business.

Financial Stress – One of the most obvious stress points is financial concerns. Whether personal or in business, financial stress is usually at the top of the list. Hopefully, you’re not one who views financial literacy through the lens of “it will take care of itself” because this type of approach is a naive way to address finances, especially in business. It can’t be said enough that you must have a budget. If you are not being guided by a budget in your business, you need to start today crafting a turnaround – first in your thinking, followed by action. No more making emotional decisions or justifying expenditures that sabotage your finances.

In some instances, you may need to make incremental changes whereas other times it may require you to commit to substantial adjustments. Therefore, to combat financial stress, you need to face it head-on.  First, pinpoint the specific areas in your finances that are causing you stress. What are the challenges? Is it a lack of funding or resources, is it overspending, is it your overhead cost, or are you entangled with misaligned agreements or contracts you’ve signed?

Track your expenses so you will know your numbers. Develop a plan in addition to a budget that includes a safety net because all businesses experience cycles of growth and cycles of decline or no growth. Your current behavior is the reason you are in your current dilemma of stress therefore, it is time to admit that you need help, so engage a financial advisor.

Savior Complex – choose to work on improving areas in your life that need attention and stop trying to save the world. By mastering this, you will regain precious time to tend to your business and mitigate circumstances that overwhelm you. There is a fine line between wanting to help others and trying to fix and change those we care about. Learn to listen with love and empathy, recognizing you don’t have to have an answer for every hurt someone is experiencing. In instances when friends, colleagues, associates, or business partners are sharing their emotions, sometimes merely being truly present with them and allowing them to feel what they are feeling is our greatest gift.  No one has appointed you to “save” them.  As much as you may want to, no one can, nor should they, shield others from experiencing emotions and learning how to develop coping skills so they can administer their emotional health. 

If you are constantly exhibiting the “savior complex,” take a few moments to understand why.  I make this suggestion with the understanding that everyone on the planet, at one point or another, will have things they need to work on in a healthy, intentional, and thoughtful way.  So, this is not a time for self-indictment but rather a time to acknowledge areas that need improvement without judgment.  This leads me to the following common reason for being overwhelmed and its negative self-critique.  

Negative Self Critique – As mentioned previously, all of us have things we want to work on to continue to enjoy life at peak level. However, you must be careful not to major in minor things. Guard against tendencies that lead to a preoccupation with your shortcomings. It will not serve you well if you obsess about something you don’t do well. Rather, choose to focus on thankfulness and gratitude instead of damaging self-criticism.

There is a difference between acknowledging areas that need improvement and constantly highlighting and magnifying all the things you view as deficiencies. Even if it’s just a few moments throughout your day, plan times to reflect on things you are grateful for.  No matter how tempted you may be to see this as a frivolous exercise, commit to it daily, and the rewards will be evident by an improved mindset.

Comparison – Understanding one’s uniqueness will help eliminate comparisons.  Appropriately embracing your unique qualities allows you to make contributions in a way that is not possible when it’s tarnished by distractive comparisons.  If you find yourself in an ongoing state of comparison, take a moment to reflect on what might be triggering this response. Many times, you are driven to comparison because of negative past experiences. These negative comparisons whether tacit or verbal may have taken place in your home, in the classroom, during sports events, or in a relationship, and the list could be endless.  And whether it was inferred or spoken, one thing was quite clear, you were aware it was happening, and it did not feel good, especially when you believed the comparison was unfair.

Of course, simply stating the obvious, such as you should stop comparing yourself to others, is of no help.  The point is to recognize what is usually happening when you experience this emotion.  For instance, in business situations, are you the initiator, and you find yourself engaged in comparison to others, or do you believe your, colleagues, clients, or team members are the ones making comparisons? Once that’s answered, next examine the circumstances and conditions present. Are you working with a large group or a more intimate team? Are you at the start of a new project which includes an evaluation by your clients through testimonies? Maybe you are approaching the first or final milestone or deliverable. Is your business in the process of expanding to include members with more expertise?  Are new platforms, technology, or territories being introduced? Are you, your business partner, or your team silently evaluating positions, promotions, or placements?

Understanding what’s prompting the comparisons can help you to focus on the real issue. And if the comparison is being sparked by outside influences, knowing this can assist you in redirecting your attention to finding solutions instead of concentrating on individuals.  

Competition – Choose to see competition as fuel for learning more and discovering greater depths of your creativity. It can also spark a desire to focus on creating opportunities for your competitors to become collaborators or allies to achieve mutual business goals.

I suggest you carefully monitor your reactions when assessing your competitor’s milestones and successes. This will enable you to be more cognizant of your responses and emotions. Are you making judgments and unfairly evaluating their achievements?  Is there a tinge of jealousy and refusing to give credit where credit is due? Having these thoughts is not what usually gets you off track, it’s constantly entertaining and dwelling on them, seeing your competitor as victorious and yourself as a victim of circumstances beyond your control. Choosing to remain in a state of envy starts to create a toxic environment that not only affects you but others working with you.

There are several studies that promote the benefits of why you should acknowledge your emotions, however only you can choose if, when, and how you will react or respond.  At some point, and I am suggesting sooner rather than later you must make this choice. Even if you have never felt a little resentful or slightly annoyed by a competitor’s success, or felt jealous or envious, you should remain vigilant regarding those you’ve identified as your competitors. Commit to being aware of your emotions and attitude to ensure you are not creating or contributing to a culture that’s damaging to you and others. 

Self-Neglect – Vow to make self-care as crucial as business sales and customer acquisition. There will be times when it may seem difficult to put yourself first. However, you must assign premium value to this aspect of your life and map a self-care plan.  Your mood, nutrition, health, and well-being will require a commitment and investment of your time.  When you are confronted with hardships and challenges and may be tempted to give in to discouragement or hopelessness, this is the time you need to care for yourself most.  You must monitor your environment and develop a heightened awareness of what affects your atmosphere and attitude. Ask the question, if I don’t value caring for myself, who will? Ultimately, your mental, physical, and emotional care are imperative to your success and it’s your responsibility.

I don’t know about you, but as an entrepreneur, I’m always interested in exploring ways to conquer overwhelm so my best energy can be injected into my business. This includes recalibrating how I go about conducting business, daily.  I understand that a rigorous routine that’s overly burdensome will not serve me well.

I am encouraging you to implement changes incrementally, yet consistently so your business becomes a contributing factor in your plan of how to live well and not just make a living.   Therefore, when you experience moments of overwhelm during temporary business slumps, you will be equipped to take control and emerge encouraged.

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